Learn Quran Easily and basic guide A-Z . All users can use this app for Quran learning.
You can use the Learn Quran App in offline.
This App has been contained
1. Arabic Alphabet
-All Characters with write.
- You can easily read Jabar, Jer, Pesh, Tow Jabar, Two Jer and Two Pesh Alphabet
2. Associated characters
-You can learn different writing behaviors same word
3. Generic Words
-You can learn 2 word Pronunciation together like تَتِ
-Here Have Zabr Word, Zer Word, Pesh Word, Two Zabar, Two Zer, and Two Pesh Word.
4. Required Character
- You can learn how to Pronunciation here Jojom, Tasjid, Khada Zabar, Three Alif, Four Alif Word.
5. Read Quran
- 114 Quran with audio
- Arabic Audio all Quran
6. 99 Name of Allah
- 99 name of Allah with English
Here All audio collected from tauheed-sunnat.com and github.com/semarketir
If you flow this app you will can read Quran